The main character of hentai is an ordinary unremarkable girl named Yukino Makihara. She was born into an ordinary working-class family, led a simple, measured life, and dreamed of falling in love. Yukino has been clumsy and prone to failure since childhood. Soon, her parents go abroad on vacation, leaving her in the care of her uncle. At the same time, the girl meets and falls in love with a classmate of Soji. They quickly develop a romantic relationship and decide to date. Soji has no experience with women, so for a whole year he never touched Yukino’s body. After graduating from the academy, the guy went to University, and our heroine decided to go with him at all costs. However, to do this, she needs money and very substantial. Yukino knew that her uncle, though an old debauchee, always had money. She makes her uncle an offer that he just can’t refuse – daily lustful games in exchange for tuition fees at the University..
Streaming NTRed Class Rep Yukino -H Days of Class Rep Who Can’t Say No- Anime Sex
Episode 01 Hentai 3 years ago Watch Now! |
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