Rio and Mamoru, childhood friends who have always had feelings for each other, find themselves trapped in a vague and ambiguous relationship that leads them towards despair. By some stroke of luck, Rio ends up participating in a beauty contest, which unexpectedly thrusts her into the world of idols. However, Mamoru receives a warning that Rio is nothing more than a prize for the powerful individuals behind a game called “The Sacrifice.”
In order to protect Rio, Mamoru decides to get involved himself. He takes on various jobs and becomes a participant in the game, all while keeping the true nature of the situation hidden from Rio. Determined to shield her from harm, he pushes forward, enduring her confusion and suspicion. But then, reality hits him like a ton of bricks. In front of his eyes, he is confronted with a truth he never wanted to believe or see.
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Episode 02 Hentai 1 week ago Watch Now! |
Episode 01 Hentai 4 months ago Watch Now! |
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