Seductive Aroma: The Temptation of the Chubby Student
This story follows the life of an overweight high school student who possesses a unique ability to sexually arouse women with his body odor. As he goes about his daily routine, one after another, women are irresistibly drawn to the scent of his nondescript, plump sweat. This aroma acts as a potent aphrodisiac, driving them to a state of uncontrollable desire as soon as they come near him.
With just one breath, these girls become captivated by the allure of the chubby man, their heated bodies unable to deny their overwhelming sexual cravings. One can’t resist his odor, now, their sole objective becomes to engage in passionate encounters with him, seeking to experience the intimate exchange of his sperm during their segs.
In the first episode, his classmate succumbs to the overwhelming temptation, unable to resist the allure any longer. In a daring move, she takes him to the privacy of a restroom, driven by her insatiable desire for him.
Streaming Sweet and Hot Anime Sex
Episode 02 Hentai 7 months ago Watch Now! |
Episode 01 Hentai 10 months ago Watch Now! |
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